
Thanks to everyone who attended one of our LEP road shows held between November 2011 and January 2012 at 15 venues across the area ranging from the Isles of Scilly to Bude.  Almost 300 people participated from the private, voluntary and public sector giving us some really useful feedback to help inform the strategic direction the LEP takes up to 2020.  We appreciate you taking the time to tell us your priorities.

Many businesses also completed feedback forms via the LEP website.  All these views have now been summarised and shared with the LEP Board and the consultants preparing our Strategy.

The key themes arising at the road shows were:

Business Support
  • The need to provide clearer information on what is available so businesses understand the opportunities.

What has happened since!

  • The LEP has secured some funding to procure a web based tool which will provide information on more than 200 local and national business support services.  The LEP will be working with a range of partners to realise this project.
  • The importance of supporting a comprehensive range of economic sectors.

What has happened since!

  • The emerging draft LEP Strategy takes account of the importance of many sectors across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly as well as the themes (access to finance, skills etc) that cross all business types.
  • The need for grant investment where and when appropriate without becoming dependant upon it and without losing sight of good business opportunities where money may follow.

What has happened since!

  • The importance of appropriate training and the need for this to be flexible and accessible and particularly tailored to business needs.

What has happened since!

  • The LEP Board are in the process of establishing an Employment and Skills Board which will be demand rather than provider led and will include representation from a wide range of stakeholders including the private sector.
  • The difficult of accessing finance.

What has happened since!

  • The best way to support this is currently under discussion with the LEP Board.
Transport Infrastructure
  • The importance of connectivity to the economy of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

What has happened since!

  • The LEP has a good working relationship with Cornwall Council's transport team.  The LEP have responded to both the Devolution of Local Major Transport Schemes and the Great Western Rail Franchise consultation click here for more information.
Strategic Planning
  • The need for Cornwall to seek employment led growth

What has happened since!

  • The LEP Board have looked carefully at the Cornwall's Core Strategy consultation document and are in the process of formulating their response.
Next Steps

Communications are important to us and we hope to keep a regular dialogue with you.  Your feedback will help to inform our draft LEP Strategy on which we intend to consult during May 2012.  If you would like to be on our email database to be alerted of LEP news and the publication of this draft strategy, please .

Please see below for a short film of the first roadshow held at Eden 

Click here for the roadshow presentation

Click here for the roadshow summary