Economic Growth Strategy
Within Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, we have already created partnerships and delivery mechanisms that can easily be adapted to fulfil the role required for our LEP.
Business Boost is a suite of four investment funds totalling £17million with something to offer businesses of every size and type operating in every sector; the suite is designed to enhance business growth in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
The funds are:
Investments can typically cover up to 50% of a project, with the business making up the remainder. All of the investments need to create or safeguard jobs and this must be an essential feature of any proposal. Some of the funds have other objectives aswell. All funds and investments are available subject to demand.
Cornwall Development Company has been co-commissioned by Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and Cornwall Council to manage the Business Boost programme.
Businesses are requested to register their interest via the Cornwall Development Company website where further details are available.
The attached press release accompanies this launch.