Governance and Communication

The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership is one of 39 LEPs in England, all set up as partnerships and led by businesses and local authorities across natural economic areas.

They have been established in response to the Government's White Paper, "Local Growth, Realising Every Place's Potential" published in October 2010.  The Government has not defined LEPs in legislation but have indicated that they are to provide the vision, knowledge and strategic leadership needed to drive sustainable private sector growth and job creation in their area.  It is up to each LEP to agree the form it takes informed by the activities they wish to pursue.

Our LEP was one of the first LEPs to be formally approved in Autumn 2010 following submission of the document "Empowering Enterprise".  In May 2011, we announced the appointment of our LEP Board.

In February 2012, the Board established the LEP as a not for profit company limited by guarantee.  The Board have formally adopted the articles.

As well as utilising resources provided by Cornwall Council and the Isles of Scilly Council, we have also been successful in securing some initial start up and capacity funding from the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS).  Private sector support via staff time has also been donated to the LEP as a valuable resource contribution.

Whilst we welcome any organisation communicating with the LEP, we have established a Business Consultative Group whose membership is derived of representation organisations.  Please see the Terms of Reference for more information on this organisation and the membership.

Governance and Communication Structure