Employment and Skills in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly

Skills are one of the cornerstones of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise partnership strategy for economic growth in our area.  We cannot underestimate the importance of a skilled, flexible and effective workforce equipped to meet the economic challenges we face.

Clearly as a strategic body this will only be achieved by working in partnership with education and employers and ensuring that these two sectors jointly identify the needs and actions for today and, more importantly, tomorrow.

The LEP strategy sets out the priorities for developing the employment opportunities and the skills of our people for now and the future. Bringing together the needs of employers and the abilities of the workforce is key to developing our ability to grow responsive, dynamic business. Encouraging investment in skills by employers and individuals will enable career development and progression and growth in the pool of talent available. We want our young people to gain the right skills and attributes that will make our businesses vibrant. Counteracting underemployment and developing businesses and individuals who work together as communities and thrive to reach their full potential underpins our work.

Employment and Skills Strategy for Cornwall & Isles of Scilly:

The Employment and Skills strategy for Cornwall has been developed through the Employment and Skills Board. There are five strategic objectives which have been agreed by the Board:

  • Create an aspirational and innovative employment and enterprise culture
  • Improve skills and boost employment in growing global markets
  • Enable those out of work to compete in the labour market by developing the necessary skills
  • Increase employer and individual investment in skills
  • Improve the quality of and access to information for learners, employers and provider

The Employment and Skills Strategy has now been completed! 

We are now working on developing the Activity Plan that will underpin the Strategy.  If you have any suggestions for activity to be considered for that plan then please email .

Made It In Cornwall  

Further to qualitative research and discussions regarding the changes to Careers Education and IAG in schools during 2013, the CUC Widening Participation Group have compiled a resource to celebrate local careers and opportunities.

The newly-launched website and accompanying publication features thirty individuals explaining what their job entails, their educational pathway into the role and why they have chosen Cornwall as the place to develop their career.

'Made It In Cornwall' has been circulated to every secondary school and FE College across Cornwall, in addition to Youth Work organisations and Jobcentre Plus, and the CUC partners have already received some fantastic feedback about this resource as a tool to showcase and celebrate relatable individuals who have established a higher-level career in Cornwall.

If you would like any further details regarding the resource or would like to request copies of the publication, please contact