ESB Sub Groups

The Cornwall & Isles of Scilly (CiOS) Demand Driver (DDG) and Supply (SSG) Groups are Sub-Groups of the Employment and Skills Board (ESB), as directed within the ESB Terms of Reference.

The purpose of the groups is to focus on the strategic skills needs of the local economy, ensuring a joined-up approach to employment and skills in Cornwall, driven by:

  • Current and anticipated future employer demand for skills
  • Skills needs and opportunities to drive CIoS's strategy for economic growth and a reinvigorated enterprising and entrepreneurial culture
  • Skills to support the inclusion of workless individuals and communities of economic opportunity
  • Employability and pathways to sustainable employment
  • A shared objective to increase the value, relevance and effectiveness of the joint investments by individuals, employers and the Government in CIoS future skills development
Demand Driver Group

The DDG membership is made up from the private sector, voluntary sector and co-opted members on the ESB and a number of additional invitees. The minutes and agendas for the meetings can be accessed via the links below.


27 February 2013

17 June 2013

Supply Sub Group

The SSG membership is made up from the provider members on the ESB and a number of additional skills and employment providers and agencies from across CIoS. The agendas and minutes from previous meetings can be accessed below.


06 March 2013

03 May 2013 - Digital Skills meeting

28 June 2013

If you or a partner agency would like to be considered as an invitee the DDG or SSG, please contact for more details.